Category: Rememberings and Recommitments

Rememberings and Recommitments for 2022

Should 2021 be forgotten? The answer is a resounding, “No … AND …” for me. As we enter 2022, our invitation is for you to consider the following: What am I remembering? What am I unlearning? What am I redefining? These questions allow for the honoring, learning, and contemplation of the past while also facilitating intentionality and imagination around the future. Sankofa.

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Rememberings and Recommitments for 2022 from The Winters Group Team

There’s something interesting about setting aside time to consciously reflect on the past year when the last two years have been full of basically nothing but time to reflect…and the future, as unforeseeable as it is, promises more of the same. Still, 2021 happened, 2022 will happen, and we must move forward. If the last two years has shown us anything, it’s that predicting even the near-term future is a fool’s errand. I’m going into 2022, then, reflecting on what I can do.

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Rememberings and Recommitments for 2022 from The Winters Group Team

“Do something for fun that’s not “on brand.” I love trying new things and exploring the world, but I often stick to things that I am comfortable with, things aligned with my values, or things I feel like I am good at. This year, I’d like to try something new and not “on brand” for Thamara – whether it be an activity, hobby, or adventure.” “In 2022, I want to unlearn defeatism. I have been reflecting on a myriad of ways that despair and defeatism have crept into my assumptions about what is possible. Recently, I have developed a practice of recognizing that defeatism is yet another manifestation of white supremacy — convincing us in ways large and small that there is no alternative.”

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Rememberings and Recommitments for 2022 from The Winters Group Team

What I have been finding out slowly is: being a tall fat Black woman does not mean I cannot enjoy things or experience things or that I am automatically disqualified from things – even if that has been true in the past. And this is very difficult for me. In 2022, I want to redefine what it means to hope. I am learning in my journey that hope is a discipline, requiring me to practice the art of hope.

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Rememberings and Recommitments for 2022 from The Winters Group Team

Last week, Brittany J. Harris kicked off our Feature series on Rememberings and Recommitments for 2022, and shared her own reflections on the prompts “I am remembering…” “I am unlearning…” “I am redefining…” Today and in coming weeks, we will share rememberings and recommitments from several of our team members as we start off 2022 prepared to grow our work in praxis. As always, we invite you to join us in this journey, however this may look for you.

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Racial Justice at Work: Practical Solutions for Systemic Change

Racial Justice at Work book cover

Black Fatigue: How Racism Erodes the Mind, Body, and Spirit

Inclusive Conversations: Fostering Equity, Empathy and Belonging Across Differences

We Can’t Talk About That At Work! (Second Edition)

Cover of the book We Can't Talk about That at Work (Second Edition) by Mary-Frances Winters and Mareisha N Reese

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