Tag: Unconscious Bias

Gen Y on D&I: Microaggression — It’s Way Bigger Than It Sounds

“Microaggression” is not just another buzz term when it comes to barriers to real equity within the workplace. These common, “everyday” snubs and slights experienced by people from marginalized groups have been proven to have a detrimental impact on people and workplace culture. A microaggression is a much larger act than it may sound. One of the best analogies I’ve seen likens microaggressions to mosquito bites.

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A Point of View: Maintaining Empathy as a Strength

During a recent cultural competence session I was facilitating, a participant asked: In addressing unconscious bias, what is the difference between empathy and hypersensitivity? The question was posed by a millennial white male who felt that complaints or concerns about unconscious bias, micro-inequities, and covering were the result of hypersensitivity. 

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The Buzz: What’s Wrong with This Picture? Mizzou Athletics Fumbles on Diversity & Inclusion

The University of Missouri’s (Mizzou) Athletic Department tweeted pictures celebrating the diversity of their student athletes and staff. The intent behind the campaign was to showcase personal information about the students and why they are “more than a student athlete.” The problem with the post was the very different messaging chosen for Black athletes versus white athletes.

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Racial Justice at Work: Practical Solutions for Systemic Change

Racial Justice at Work book cover

Black Fatigue: How Racism Erodes the Mind, Body, and Spirit

Inclusive Conversations: Fostering Equity, Empathy and Belonging Across Differences

We Can’t Talk About That At Work! (Second Edition)

Cover of the book We Can't Talk about That at Work (Second Edition) by Mary-Frances Winters and Mareisha N Reese

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