Category: What Pride Means Today

What Pride Means Today: Escaping a Cage of My Own Making

When I was about 7, I asked my mother: “Mom, what’s a homosexual?” Neither my mother nor I knew at that moment that a homosexual was, among other things, me. So, my mother answered as best she could: “Well, Eric … a homosexual is a man who loves men the way he ought to love women, or a woman who loves women the way she ought to love men.” Needless to say, I didn’t come out to my mom for quite a while after that.

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What Pride Means Today: Community Care and Creativity

I know I will never fully understand the lived experience of the tragedies that preceded my lifetime, and I am grateful for the times I have been challenged to truly sit in recognition of and empathy with the lived experiences of queer and trans elders across many intersections and identities. A queer millennial comic I admire mused on a podcast: “I never experience homophobia — or barely.” The Midwest and the world at large have changed a lot since the 1980s. While I can point to several exceptions, generally, I am fortunate enough to know what she means.

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Racial Justice at Work: Practical Solutions for Systemic Change

Racial Justice at Work book cover

Black Fatigue: How Racism Erodes the Mind, Body, and Spirit

Inclusive Conversations: Fostering Equity, Empathy and Belonging Across Differences

We Can’t Talk About That At Work! (Second Edition)

Cover of the book We Can't Talk about That at Work (Second Edition) by Mary-Frances Winters and Mareisha N Reese

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