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We at the Winters Group know that D&I work can be heavy, difficult, and exhausting. Sometimes, it can be very refreshing to get a different take on the work—a new perspective, or way of illustrating a concept. With this in mind, we would like to share one of our favorite resources, which we commonly include in our workshops and client sessions, a wonderful video called “Sometimes You’re a Caterpillar.”  This humorous video perfectly captures some of the nuances we are addressing in our work—and does so in a way that can bring some levity to difficult conversations. Click To Tweet

We find that this humorous video perfectly captures some of the nuances we are addressing in our work—and does so in a way that can bring some levity to difficult conversations. We invite you to watch it here, and engage in some reflection questions that we have provided below: 



Reflection Questions 

  1. Can you think of a time when you were the snail in an interaction with someone else? What had to happen in this situation in order for you to “get to the other side”? What made it hard for the other person to understand? 
  2. Now, think of a situation when you have been the caterpillar. Why was it hard for you to relate to the other person’s challenges? 
  3. In both of these situations, consider whether you and others involved were able to reach a place of understanding. If so, what helped you to reach that point? If not, what might have resulted in a better outcome? 
  4. How can you apply other ideas introduced in this clip to your own experience of the world, and to the goal of bridging across difference and effectively relating to others? 

I don’t know what it’s like to be you, and you don’t know what it’s like to be me. A simple, but powerful statement that sums up so much of our work.  I don’t know what it’s like to be you, and you don’t know what it’s like to be me. A simple, but powerful statement that sums up so much of our work. Click To Tweet

We hope this clip brought a smile and a new insight to your week!