A Point of View: White Privilege and Freedom: Two Sides of the Same Coin

White privilege is often explained as institutionalized and systemic privileges that benefit white people. However, white privilege also provides whites with the freedom not to think about race.

While I knew that this was an aspect of white privilege, it became even clearer to me when I was recently on vacation. Vacation is usually a time for people to relax, have fun, and enjoy time with family and/or friends. However, people of color, particularly young black men, can never fully relax because we are not granted the freedom to not think about race.

While visiting Tybee Island, Georgia with a few friends recently, we decided to visit a local establishment to sing karaoke. It was only a half a mile from our hotel so I suggested that we walk. However, some in the group, including two black male police officers, did not want to walk out of fear that they might be targeted and “could be killed.”

While it may seem absurd to be afraid to walk down a public street, the many unjustified killings of blacks by whites, gives many black young men pause to cause and the need to think twice about everyday actions that might seem a guaranteed right of all Americans.

White privilege is more than systemic privileges, but also individual freedom. It is the freedom to not have to worry about being targeted because of your skin color and the freedom to speak up against unfair treatment without being killed for it. It is about the freedom to live “freely” in America.