Author: Kevin Carter

A Point of View: Maintaining Empathy as a Strength

During a recent cultural competence session I was facilitating, a participant asked: In addressing unconscious bias, what is the difference between empathy and hypersensitivity? The question was posed by a millennial white male who felt that complaints or concerns about unconscious bias, micro-inequities, and covering were the result of hypersensitivity. 

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A Point of View: Do We REALLY Need to Address Gender Equity at Work?

If you are a company seeking to thrive – or even to survive – in today’s market, that is likely not the question you want to ask. The credible evidence from knowledgeable sources on the benefit of gender equity is numerous. Likewise, the consequences faced by organizations on the wrong side of this issue are so real and tangible. The only intelligent answer to that question is an obvious and resounding YES.

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The Work We Didn’t Do: Facilitating Reciprocal Empathy

While I cannot recall a time when I failed to intervene to prevent or address an overt injustice, I recall moments as a facilitator when I did not put in place the norms and mechanisms necessary for all people to experience the psychological safety needed to share their truths and experiences around being part of a marginalized or subordinated group.

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Racial Justice at Work: Practical Solutions for Systemic Change

Racial Justice at Work book cover

Black Fatigue: How Racism Erodes the Mind, Body, and Spirit

Inclusive Conversations: Fostering Equity, Empathy and Belonging Across Differences

We Can’t Talk About That At Work! (Second Edition)

Cover of the book We Can't Talk about That at Work (Second Edition) by Mary-Frances Winters and Mareisha N Reese

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