Yesterday, a video of Texas Senatorial Candidate Beto O’Rourke went viral, and it has quite a bit to teach us. In the video, O’Rourke answers a question about whether he feels that kneeling during the National Anthem is disrespectful to the military, the flag, and the country. While we are not necessarily making a political statement or endorsing a candidate, we think it’s worth paying attention to the way he frames and explains his answer.

He is able to turn this question into an opportunity for a Bold, Inclusive Conversation® (or at least the start of one as the question asker does not get the opportunity to respond) by finding common ground and sharing his knowledge and experience in a way that invites listeners to see a new perspective. He doesn’t shut down the question, and he even concedes that reasonable people can come down on different sides of this argument. He understands that many feel passionately protective about those who fight for our freedoms, but he takes that opportunity to remind of us of those outside of the military who have fought for freedoms on our soil: The Freedom Fighters of the Civil Rights Movement.

Check out the video and let us know what you learn. We encourage you to see O’Rourke’s response as a starting point for your own Bold, Inclusive Conversations®. Practice self and other understanding by exploring what you believe and how others’ views may be different but still valid. Do your research, know your history, and be willing to find common ground while standing for what you believe in.


Do your research, know your history, and be willing to find common ground while standing for what you believe in. Click To Tweet