The Buzz: “God Isn’t Fixing This”

How many days before we forget about the mass shooting in San Bernardino, CA, that killed 14 people and wounded 17? By the time you finish reading this blog post, there could be another shooting, or two? Who knows? Who cares?

You care, of course. I care. So do our crop of presidential candidates. But what does it mean to care? For Ted Cruz, it means that his “prayers are with the victims, their families, and the first responders.” Turns out fellow candidate Rand Paul’s “thoughts and prayers are with the victims, families, and brave first responders” too. And here’s what Ben Carson said: “My thoughts and prayers are with the shooting victims and their families in San Bernardino.”

Looks like some politicians have mastered how to copy and paste text, if not ways to address gun violence. There’s nothing wrong with praying, but as New York’s Daily News blasts on its cover, “GOD ISN’T FIXING THIS”.

No He isn’t. “As the latest batch of innocent Americans are left lying in pools of blood,” the Daily News adds, “cowards who could truly end gun scourge continue to hide behind meaningless platitudes.”

Prayers are not enough. Actually, they are not anything. OK, fine, they are something. They are self-satisfying expressions of sorrow and hope, which may help you feel better, but will do nothing for today’s—and tomorrow’s—shooting victims who need real action.

Speaking of religion, the New York Post ran a very different cover, in huge letters, “MUSLIM KILLERS”. That’s accurate, of course: Alleged murders Syed Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik, were Muslim. But by highlighting their faith, the Post knew exactly what it was doing—stoking anti-Islamic bigotry. Especially given that the couple’s motives remain unclear, there is no logical reason to call out their religion. (Do you recall seeing the Post’s “CHRISTIAN KILLER” cover after the recent Colorado Springs shooting spree? How about “MALE MURDERER”? Of course you don’t, because neither existed.)

Even if the killers were motivated by terrorism in the name of Allah, it would be unfair to brand them “Muslim Killers” because fanaticism, radicalism, extremism—not religion—were the sources of their rage.

Shame on the Post for stoking more hatred. And good for the Daily News for calling out our nation’s political leaders for shirking their responsibility to keep us safe.