Typically, we use The Buzz as a medium to share The Winters Group’s perspective on current events related to equity, diversity and inclusion. Over the past week, much of our media coverage has been dominated by recent measures taken by newly inaugurated President, Donald Trump. In conversations with colleagues, clients, and friends, feelings like disappointment, uncertainty, and disbelief have become a common thread.

Immigration bans that target specific nationalities and religions are in direct contrast to the principles of D&I. Additional talk on building a wall and rhetoric that criminalizes people who are different are not a reflection of the strides we’ve taken to build a more inclusive society. Shifts from focuses on LGBTQ and civil rights to “law and order” feels like regression to many.  So we ask you, this week, how are you feeling? How have recent events impacted your work? How will it impact your work? What more do you believe we can do?

We’ve found that having internal discussions has been cathartic for some of us.

Feel free to anonymously, share your thoughts below.