
I agree with Donald Trump.

There’s a line I never thought I’d write. In a recent speech in Springfield, Ill., after the presidential candidate pondered whether we should boycott Starbucks for the company’s alleged War on Christmas, Trump added, “Seriously, I don’t care.”

I don’t care either. Want to go to Dunkin Donuts instead? That’s fine. But if you’re upset that Starbucks isn’t putting Merry Christmas on its cups and hiring priests to take your orders and making drinks with holy water and setting up nativity scenes and doing whatever else you think it should be doing to promote Christmas, I couldn’t disagree more!

Or you’re Joshua Feuerstein, the self-described “American evangelist, Internet, and social media personality” incensed by “the age of political correctness” that he claims caused Starbucks to offer seasonal coffee cups that lack—

Actually, I’ll let Feuerstein explain: “Do you realize that Starbucks wanted to take Christ, and Christmas, off their brand-new cups?” he asked. “That’s why they’re just plain red.” Wait. What?

Further, “Do you realize that Starbucks isn’t allowed to say ‘Merry Christmas’ to customers?” Feuerstein asks.

I didn’t realize that—because it’s not true. The company has no such policy; it simply claims to encourage baristas to create a welcoming environment. As a matter of practice, given that Starbucks serves millions of customers in 23,000 stores in 68 countries and, you know, a coffeehouse is not God’s house, workers might choose to say, “have a nice day” or “happy holidays” or “iced coffee for Vadim” before sending you on your way. Which is why Feuerstein recommends a solution: Tell the barista that your name is “Merry Christmas.”

“Guess what, Starbucks—I tricked you!” he proclaims. I know how impressed you must be.

Agh, why am I writing a blog about this? Maybe because Feuerstein’s video attacking Starbucks has been viewed almost 16 million times. Granted, most comments on it point out the idiocy of the message, using far more colorful expressions than anything you’ll find here.

Agh, why am I still writing about this? I’m not anymore. Want to contemplate a real war on Christianity? Grab yourself a Starbucks latte and read this article about how ISIS and other extremists are enslaving, killing, and uprooting Christians in the Middle East.